Administrative details

(last update, March 1st 12:00)

Conference fee

The conference fee is 100€/ participant and it includes: conference volume, conference agenda, conference briefcase, welcome reception, coffee breaks, and the conference banquet. The fee will have to be paid no later than May 5, 2007.

The conference fee can be paid into one of the following accounts:

Bank accounts:

RO56BRDE445SV00358904450 RON
RO46BRDE445SV27314434450 € (EURO)

Bank: BRD Victoria - Bucuresti
Account owner: SNSPA
Fiscal code: 9510194

Reason for Payment: Conference Fee.

Conference venue

The conference will take place in Bucharest, Romania, National School of Political Studies and Public Administration, 6-8 Povernei Street. Information regarding hotels, travels and the location of NSPSPA is available here.

Conference languages

Conference languages will be English and French. Abstracts, papers and paper presentations will be made in English or French.

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